The Basics of Trading Articles

By now it is clear that the 30 trillion-dollar pension fund industry is collapsing. Increasing longevity, better health care, lower birth rates and absence of support from the extended family require swift action.

Read about the various forex trading session time frames and liquidity details for the Sydney, London, New York and Tokyo sessions.

Many online forex brokers allow clients to place trailing stop orders either when they initiate a trading position or subsequently via their trading platforms. Find out how to use such orders strategically to protect your trading profits.

Recessionary conditions require unique forex trading strategies in order for profits to be registered.

No need to fear short selling. Shorting a stock can be risky, but take the right precautions and you can short stocks on the equities market safely.

When shorting a currency pair you are in effect selling the base currency of the pair at the market rate and buying the secondary currency of the pair.

The most essential trading tool available to an online forex trader is the trading platform. This is a tool that embodies charting software, technical and fundamental analysis tools to enable a trader to successfully trade forex.

Read about the reliable triple top and bottom chart patterns and how those who trade forex can use them profitably.