Glossary Of Trading

Fed (Réserve fédérale américaine)

Banque centrale des États-Unis, créée par le Congrès en 1913 Elle administre la politique monétaire fédérale des États-Unis en fixant les taux d'intérêt à long terme, en menant des recherches monétaires et en réglementant les institutions financières.

Fed (the US Federal Reserve Bank)

The Central Bank of the United States, established by Congress in 1913, administers the US’ Federal monetary policy by setting long-term interest rates, conducting monetary research and regulating financial institutions.

Fiat Currency

A fiat currency is one of no inherent value, save the value promised upon it by government regulation. The Latin word is the 3rd-person of fio – “let it be done”.

Fibonacci Sequence

A series of values according to which - among others - retracements and reversals along a trend can be expected. The values of the Fibonacci series were defined by the 12th-century Italian mathematician, Leonardo Bonacci, and is calculated by adding two subsequent numbers to derive the next number in the sequence.

Fill or Kill

An order that will be cancelled (killed) if the conditions for its filling are not entirely met.

Fill or Kill (tout ou rien)

Ordre qui sera annulé (« kill ») si les conditions de son exécution ne sont pas entièrement remplies.

Fiscal Policy

The policy that determines the manner in which a government uses income derived primarily through taxation, bonds issuance, and others. An expansionary policy is usually adopted during a recession, while a contractionary policy is usually adopted alongside an expanding economy.

Foreign Exchange (Forex/FX)

The exchange of currencies belonging to different states or entities. The forex market is decentralized and global. It operates 24/5, whenever an exchange is open anywhere in the world.

FTSE (Financial Times & London Stock Exchange)

The FTSE, established in 2002 by the London Stock Exchange and the Financial Times, provides data services and market indexes. The FTSE 100, for example, tracks the top 100 stocks traded on the London Stock Exchange.

FTSE (Financial Times & London Stock Exchange)

Créé en 2002 par la Bourse de Londres et le Financial Times, il fournit des services de données et des indices boursiers. L'indice boursier FTSE 100, par exemple, suit les 100 premières actions tradées à la Bourse de Londres.

Fundamental analysis

The study of an asset’s inherent value. Current affairs and economic data may influence the value of a national currency or the demand/supply of a commodity; a sector’s health and a company’s management and market position may influence a company’s perceived value.

Futures /Forwards

A binding contract (an obligation, not an option) between 2 parties to buy and/or sell a financial instrument or commodity at a future time and at a predetermined (contracted) price. Futures are usually traded at an exchange, whereas forwards are usually traded over-the-counter.


Contrat exécutoire (une obligation, pas une option) entre 2 parties pour acheter et/ou vendre un instrument financier ou une matière première à une date ultérieure et à un prix prédéterminé (contracté). Les futures sont généralement tradés sur un marché boursier, alors que les forwards sont généralement tradés de gré à gré.